Polismän förhindrade självmord
NyheterDet var på rådhuset i Rincón de la Victoria som dramat utspelade sig vid lunchtid på torsdagen.En kvinna i 50-årsåldern kom in och vill prata med borgmästaren. De han inte fanns tillgänglig, togs hon emot av kommunalrådet med ansvar…
Agreement Reached To End Garbage Strike In Rincon De La Victoria
NewsNormal service will start on WednesdayFollowing a meeting today an agreement was reached between the town hall, the private partner (FCC) , EMMSA and two of the three unions UGT and CCOO to end the week long garbage strike that has affected…
Another Meeting To Attempt To Resolve Garbage Strike In Rincon De La Victoria
News, OtherOver 250 tons of waste has built up since the strike beganThere will be another meeting between the Town Hal of Rincon de la Victoria and the Unions in an attempt to resolve the garbage strike which has seen in excess of more than 250 tons of…
Sopstrejk i Rincón
NyheterDet pågår en sopstrejk i Rincón de la Victoria sedan tre dagar tillbaka.Parterna träffades igår för första gången sedan strejken började. Det ledde dock inte till något resultat. Strejken fortsätter därmed på obestämd tid och sopbergen…
Guardia Civil In Rincon De La Victoria Investigating A Possible Case Of Attempted Sexual Assault At Local School
NewsThe student was attending after school activitiesThe Guardia Civil in Rincon de la Victoria are investigating a possible case of attempted sexual abuse at a local school
It is alleged that a man entered Colegio Público Tierno Galván on Thursday…
Heavy Rains And Flooding Causes Around Two Million Euros Damage In Rincon De La Victoria
News, OtherThere was major damage to to water network and sewage systemThe town hall in Rincon de la Victoria has announced that the heavy rain and flooding that took place over the weekend of 17th and 18th November caused around two million euros worth…
New Computer System To Manage Public Areas In Rincon De La Victoria
NewsThe mayor announced the new systemThe City of Rincon de la Victoria has completed the implementation of Gecor, a computer service which allows the town hall to manage public spaces in the town
It is hoped that the new system will allow incidents…
Tapas firas i Rincón
NyheterDet är nionde gången som man hedrar de oändliga varianterna av tilltugg till ett glas vin eller öl.Det är i år 16 barer och restauranger som deltar och serverar ett hundratal olika tapas. Man håller till vid strandpromenaden och det hela…
School Campaign Targets The Rational Use Of Water
NewsThe campain is to raise awarness on the imporance of rationing water useOver a thousand schoolchildren in Rincon de la Victoria are participating a campaign named 'Gotagotham' aimed at raising awareness and promoting rational use…
Man Injured As Cement Truck Overturns
News, OtherThe accident is been investigatedAccording to reports in the press an accident involving a cement truck and a van on the MA-24 in Rincon de la Victoria has left one man injured.
It is understood the accident occurred at around…
Ny vårdcentral dröjer i Rincón
NyheterDe boende i La Cala del Moral får vänta ytterligare på att den nybyggda vårdcentralen öppnas.Det talas nu om slutet av månade, men något datum har inte spikats och många misstänker att ytterligare förseningar kan komma. Sjukvårdsmyndigheten…
New Horse Drawn Carriage Tour Service To Be Launched In Rincón De La Victoria
Living & Tourism, NewsIt will offer tours of the popular tourist areas in the townAccording to reports in the press the town of Rincón de la Victoria will have abn added tourist attraction this year
It is understood that a horse-drawn carriage tour has been approved…