
Influenza Vaccinations For People Over 69 In Torremolinos

The vacination pogram will begin on the 18th OctoberAccording to reports in the press there will be a program to give  influenza vaccinations to people over 69 in Torremolinos The vainations will take pl;ace on the  18, 19 and October…
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Uppsägningar i Torremolinos kommun

Det är som bekant många kommuner som har stora problem med att få ekonomin att gå ihop i dessa kristider.Torremolinos är inget undantag och där stämmer man nu i bäcken genom att säga upp 59 kommunanställda. Det rör sig både om anställda…

Man Dies On Torremolinos Beach

Efforts To Save His Life Were
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Envis apoteksrånare gripen

Nationalpolisen i Torremolinos grep häromdagen en man som gjort till vana att råna ett och samma apotek.Den 49-årige mannen gick in på apoteket strax före stängning och hotade personalen med kniv för att komma över kassan. Rånen genomfördes…

Music Festival In Torremolinos Banned

The event was planned for September 11thAccording to reports in the press a music festival planned for the 11th Spetember which had been organised by Aqualand in Torremolinos has been banned. It is understood the Mayor of the town Pedro Fernández…

Torremolinos To Host The FireFigher Of Spain Contest

Several Awards Will Be Given On The NightThe Auditorium de Torremolinos is to host the  la celebración del I Certamen de Bomberos de España {Ist Firefighter Of Spain Contest} on the 12th October 2011 Several prizes will be given…

Thieves Target Businesses In Torremolinos Business Park

The crime took place early on MondayAccording to reports in the press six businesses in the parque empresarial El Pinillo in Torremolinos were targeted by thieves early on Monday morning. It is understood from the reports the thievs used…

Police Rescue Woman Who Was Been Held Captive

The Woman had come to Spain for workAccording to reports in the press the National Police have rescued a French woman who had been held captive in a house in Torremolinos. It is reported that the woman who had rravelled to Spain last Wednesday…

’Magic Palace’ Building To Be Demolished

The Building Was Destroyed By Fire In FebruaryAcording to reports in the press  a decree ordering the demolition the building known as 'Magic Palace', located in Calle Cuba which was  destroyed on 18 February in a fire has been signed…
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