
Hantverkare på Costa del Sol
Bygg, industri och transport, Hus och hem
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Kvinnomördare häktad
NyheterDen 51-årige man som anmälde sig själv till polisen efter att ha dödat sin partner har häktats utan möjlighet till borgen.Det beslöt domaren vid domstolen i Torremolinos på onsdagseftermiddagen. Mannen häktas för misstänkt för mord.…

Kvinnomord i Torremolinos
NyheterDen 36-åriga kvinna som hittades knivhuggen till döds i Torremolinos på tidsdagen var det femte dödsoffret för våld mot kvinnor i provinsen i år.Polisen utreder fortfarande ärendet, men en 51-årig man anmälde sig själv efter brottet.…

Hotelldirektör i Torremolinos gripen
NyheterKorruptionshärvan med bidrag till arbetsmarknadsåtgärder i Andalusien, den så kallade ERE-affären, fortsätter att växa.Undersökningsdomare Mercedes Alaya, som leder förundersökningen från Sevilla, har kallat ytterligare ett 50-tal…

More Than 7000 People Use The Tourist Offices In Torremolinos In December
Living & Tourism, NewsThe most visitors came from the UKFigures released by Torremolinos Town Hall have shown that over 7000 people visited the towns four tourist offices in December
During the month 7186 people used the servcies with the busiest office being…

23 Month Old Baby Injured After Falling From Fourth Floor Of Building In Torremolinos
NewsThe child was taken to the Hospital Materno Infantil in MalagaA 23 month old baby was injured after falling from the fourth floor of a building in Torremolinos.
The accident happened about 14.45 in Calle Párroco Florencio Aguilar de Torremolinos…

Campaign To Promote Local Business In Torremolinos
NewsTickets will be distributed by local storesIn a bid to promote local business in the town La Asociación de Comerciantes y Empresarios de Torremolinos (ACET) has lauched an extensive campaign.
Local stores will be giving out 500,000 tickets…

Suspicious Bag On Carihuela Beach Found To Contain Features Of A Bomb But No Explosives
NewsPolice have launched an investigation to determine who left the bag on the beachFurther details regarding the suspicious bag that was discovered on Carihuela Beach yesterday have been released
The bag was found to contain wires and a clock that…

Carihuela Beach In Torremolinos Closed After Suspicious Bag Discovered
NewsSpecialist officers went to the scene after the discoveryThe discovery of a suspicious bag on Carihuela Beach caused a major security alert earlier today.
The bag was discovered by a member of the public who was walking along the beach between…

Christmas Hampers To Be Handed Out To The Long-Term Unemployed And Pensioners In Torremolinos
News, OtherThe hampers will be handed out to those who qualifyTorremolions is once again running its campaign of the distribution of Christmas hampers to the long-term unemployed and pensioners.
On the 10th December hampers containing basic food stuffs…

Two Car Pile Up On A-7 Leaves Six Injured
News, OtherThe road was closed for over 30 minutesAn accident on the A-7 near Torremolinos earlier today resulted in six people being injured.
The accident occurred at around 13.25 at KM226 and resulted in the closure of the road in the direction of Cadiz…