
Accident Near Competa Leaves One Man Dead

Another man recieved minor injuriesAccording to reports in the press an accident in near the town of Cómpeta in the early hours of this morning has left one man dead and another man injured. In is understood than the accident happened at 2.05am…

Vinfirande i Cómpeta

I Cómpeta firade man igår Noche del Vino (vinnatten) för 36:e gången.Det var dock med delade känslor som man i år hedrade vindruvorna som ligger till grund för Málagavinet. Det har nämligen varit en sällsynt dålig skörd i år på…

Charges Against Youths In Connection With Death In Competa

A Street Fight Broke Out On June 5th 2009According to reports in the press charges have been filed againt 17 youths in connection with the  death of  49 year old Stephen Alexander Mallon, after a street fight in Cómpeta in June 2009. It…