Increase In House Sales In First Quarter Of 2012 Compared To Last Quarter Of 2011
Home Sales in Spain fell by 26% in the first three months of 2012 compared to the same period in 2011
However the sales for the first quarter of this year rose by 21.9% compared to the last quarter of 2011
The figures come in a report from the College of Property Registrars released on Friday
Reports in the publication El Economista reported that, compared to the previous quarter, new home sales rose 29.4% (48,691 sales), while second hand home sales grew by 14.4% (43,520 transactions).
Andalcia topped the number of sales in Spain compatred to the last quarter with 17,240 sales , The next three on the chart were Madrid (13,685), Catalonia (12,760) and Valencia (11,590).
A fall in house prices is thought to be the main reason for the increase in sales compared to the previous quarter