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17 Year Old Youth Stabbed In Benalmádena’s Plaza Solymar
Allmän, NyheterPolice have launched an investigationA 17 year old male was admitted to the Carlos Haya hospital in Malaga this morning suffering from stab wounds
The youth was injured this morning at around 04.10 in the Plaza Solymar in Benalmádena

Several Road Traffic Accidents On Malaga’s Roads Yesterday
Allmän, NyheterAll the injuries were minorThere were several accidents on the roads of Malaga yesterday resulting in two minor injuries
At around noon yesterday two cars collided on Avenida Doctor Marañón resulting in a 25 year old man being taken to the…

Support For The ’Manifesto for Malaga’ Against UEFA Action Grows
Allmän, NyheterThe Amount Of People Supporting The Manifesto Passes 12,500Support for the 'Manifesto for Malaga' Against UEFA Action is growing on a daily basis.
The number of people who have pledged their support has passed 12,500 with some famous names…

One Of Britain’s Most Wanted Arrested On The Costa Del Sol
Allmän, NyheterHe fled the UK in 2010The Guardia Civil have arrested one of Britians most wanted criminals who was wanted in a European arrest warrant issued by the court in Stoke on Trent in Staffordshire
34 year old Martin Wolstenholme is allegedly…

Man Arrested After Missing Lawyer’s Body Is Discovered In Boot Of Car
Allmän, NyheterThe investigation into the death continuesAccording to reports in the press a German man has been arrested after the body of a lawyer was discovered in the boot of the lawyers car neer to the bus station in Malaga
It is understood the…

Bioparc Fuengirola Left 71 Reptiles In British man’s Will
Allmän, NyheterThe owner of the snakes was a member of many British associationsAccording to reports in the press the Bioparc Fuengirola has been left 71 reptiles by a British Resident
It is understood that Nick Standen who lived in the…

Children’s Drawing Contest In Rincón De La Victoria
Allmän, NyheterThere are a number of events taking place at the centro comercial Rincón de la VictoriaA Children's Drawing Contest is been held in the centro comercial Rincón de la Victoria until the 5th January
Using the theme 'Decorate…

Noise Pollution Campaign To Target Malaga’s Smokers
Allmän, NyheterThe new campaign is optional to any bars or clubs who wish to take partAccording to reports in the press a new campaign to reduce the noise pollution caused by people smoking outside bars in Malaga has started
It is understood the Málaga…

Sänkt fart på kustvägen
AllmänHastighetsbegränsningen på den olycksdrabbade kustvägen har sänkts till 80 km/h.Det hela har gjorts på väg A-7 från Fuengirola och västerut utan att varken trafikmyndigheten DGT eller kommunikationsministeriet har gått…