
Hantverkare Costa del Sol

Hantverkare på Costa del Sol

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Misstänkta för flickmord gripna i Mijas

Polisen grep nio personer i Calahonda i Mijas natten till fredag misstänkta för skotten som dödade en sjuårig flicka i Sevilla tidigare i veckan.Förutom de gripna i Mijas har en person gripits i Huelvaprovinsen. De gripna tillhör alla…

Forest Fire Forces Evacuation In Calahonda

There were major fires on the Costa Blanca and on the Canary Island of La Gomera over the weekendA fire next to the AP-7 toll road near Calahonda yesterday forced the evacuation of two apartment blocks The fire was controlled late last…

Police Arrest British Man In Connection With Stabbing

The attack happened just after midnight on SaturdayAccording to reports in the press Local Police in Mijas have arrested a British man in connection with the stabbing of another man on Saturday in the Sitio de Calahonda urbanisation. It is understood…