
Världens största ödla i Fuengirola
NyheterDen prisbelönta djurparken Bioparc i Fuengirola fortsätter att satsa och utvecklas. Den har sedan måndagen ett nytt utvidgat område med de mest emblematiska djurarterna från öar i de tropiska områdena av Indiska oceanen och Stilla havet.…

Bioparc Fuengirola To Expand Its Attractions
Living & Tourism, NewsThe new area will feature the Komodo dragonBioparc Fuengirola is currently undergoing a large expansion program allow new animals to be housed The new area known as the the Indo-Pacific environment, will be be added to the habitats of…

Bioparc i Fuengirola fick ärva ormar
NyheterDen lilla prisbelönta djurparken Bioparc i Fuengirola har fått ett oväntat tillskott av 71 djur.Det var den brittiska djurvännen Nick Standen som donerade sin unika samling reptiler till djurparken. Standen, som var bosatt i Benamargosa,…

New Arrival At Bioparc Fuengirola Announced
Living & Tourism, NewsThe baby is doing wellAccording to reports in the press the Bioparc Fuengirola has announced that a new baby pygmy hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) was born om July 10th
It is understood that the birth went well and staff did not…

New Arrival At The Bioparc Fuengirola
Living & Tourism, NewsThe new arrivial was born on the 18th June According to reports in the press a Northern Talapoin (Miopithecus ogouensis) was born at the Bioparc Fuengirola on 18th June.
It is reported that the new arrival has integrated into the existing…