Encouraging Signs As Unemployment Falls In Malaga In December

Unemployent fell across Andalucia in December

There were encouraging signs for Malaga province with figures from Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. showing than in December unemployment fell by 3178 to 210,872 unemployed,
Despite the fall, the fogures show there were still 15,873 more than the same month in 2011.
In Andalusia, unemployment fell by 26,972  from the previous month, bringing the total number of unemployed to 1,083,829. 
Accross Andalucia unemployment fell in all provinces of Andalusia in December, Jaén, 7,169  Granada, 4065, Córdoba, 3,531  Sevilla, 3,400 Cadiz, 3327, and Almería, 2212  Huelva 90.
