Increase In House Sales In First Quarter Of 2012 Compared To Last Quarter Of 2011

Andalucia recored the greatest number of house sales in Spain

Home Sales in Spain fell by 26% in the first three months of 2012 compared to the same period in 2011
However the sales for the first quarter of this year rose by 21.9% compared to the last quarter of 2011
The figures come in a report from the  College of Property Registrars released on Friday
Reports in the publication El Economista reported that, compared to the previous quarter, new home sales rose 29.4% (48,691 sales), while second hand home sales grew by 14.4% (43,520 transactions).
Andalcia topped the number of sales in Spain compatred to the last quarter with 17,240 sales , The next three on the chart were Madrid (13,685), Catalonia (12,760) and Valencia (11,590).
A fall in house prices is thought to be the main reason for the increase in sales compared to the previous quarter