Local Bus timetable in Fuengirola

Going by bus in Fuengirola is a good and environmentally friendly option, there are now 5 different lines and from January 1st 2023 it is completely free!

Ayuntamiento Fuengirola has invested 30 million euros in this new project and it now consists of twelve vehicles, nine twelve meter long buses and three minibuses.
Sustainability is the key word and eight of the nine buses that make up the fleet will be hybrids to promote the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere of the city. Likewise, two of the minibuses will be fitted with low-consumption diesel.

L1 now makes a round trip between the shopping center Miramar and Carvajal (the border with Benalmadena). It runs every 16 minutes between 07:15-23:08

L2 one round Boquetillo (Calle Mallorca/Calle Ibiza) – Fuengirola centre. Every 15 minutes between 01:15-23:15

L3 La Calerita (Blvr. la Loma) – Los Boliches – Fuengirola centre. Every 30 minutes between 07:15-23:08

L4 Los Pacos – Los Boliches. Every 20 minutes between 07:15-23:15

L5 Torreblanca – Los Boliches. every 15 minutes between 07:15-23:15

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