
Delta Air Lines Malaga-New Yor

Delta Airlines To Start Direct Flights Between Malaga And New York Next Month

The airline has offered a summer route between the two cities since 2008Delta Airlines Is once again offering direct flights between NEW York and Malaga The route  starts on June 3rd and will remain in service until early September and…

Direktflyg till New York

Det amerikanska flygbolaget Delta Airlines tar upp sina direktflyg mellan Málaga och New York den 3 juni.Flygtiden blir runt åtta timmar – några timmar mindre än alternativen med mellanlandningar någonstans i Europa. Det blir fem flyg…

Malaga – New York Route Announced

The American Airline Delta Airlines has announced it is to run the service again next yearAccording to reports in the press  direct flights from Málaga to New York will once again be offered next summer by Delta Airlines Ii is…