No Judge For New Court In Fuengirola

The court opened on June 30th 

According to reports a back log of cases is starting to build at the new Instruction Court Number 5, in Fuengirola which came into operation on June 30th, due to the fact the court is still waiting for a Judge and a Judicial Secretary.
It is reported that as many as 70 cases including some urgent, including evictions and divorces where children are involved have started to accumulate,
It is understood that one of the cases involves a urgent admission to a psychiatric institute.
According to the reports a woman who is off sick has been given the position of the Judicial Secretary but no Judge has been assigned and all the eight civil servants can do is turn up and wait until the end of their shift and then go home as they have no access to the computers
There is a meeting scheduled on Thursday between the Junta’s delegate in Málaga and the Professional Justice Union where it is hoped a situation to the problem will be agreed