Ronda Town Hall Bans Parking In Historic Centre

Srtict new parking rules have been introduced by the Ronda Town Hall.

The Town Hall in Ronda have introduced new parking laws which bans parking in the hisoric centre of the town except for Local Residents of the  area who will have to park in specific areas.
Other residents and people who work in the historicv centre willl now have to park at the parking area at El Castillo .There will be special rates and cards for both of these groups who willl pay 0.64 euros per day.
The parking rates for alll other users will be much higher.
The new laws are now in place although it is reported that Police will not start to issue fines etc untilll next Monday.
Details of the new laws are displays at one of  the entry point to the historic centre and there is an explanation in English aimed at tourists.