Junta De Andalucia More Cautious Over Hotel Occupancy Levels For Easter
According to reports in the press the Junta De Andalusian is more cautious about the tourist numbers for Easter.
It is understood that the Junta’ figures are more cautious than those of the Costa Del Sol Tourist Board
It is reported that the Junta says figures for Malaga Province currently stand at around 55% and ir is estimated it will rise to around 64% during the busiiest period over Holy Week.
It is also reported that there is a concern over the weather for the period which affect the tourist numbers
Accordinding to the reports a survey of the area of Statistics and Market Research (BOLT), which includes the period between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the occupancy rate during the main days of Holy Week ( Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday), will exceed in 57% in most provinces except in Cadiz (52.3%) and Jaén (51.7%).
The survey shos that for the entire period, the average figures across Andalucia are as follows Seville, 64.2%, Almeria, Malaga and Cordoba,55.5%, 54.8% and 54.7%, Huelva will be around 54.5% and Granada 54%. In Cadiz and Jaen recorded an occupancy rate of 40.9,% and 31.3%, respectively.
During the peak time the averages will be higher 71% in Seville, Cordoba, 68.8%, 64.6 in Granada, Malaga 63.8%, 61.1% in Huelva and 57.2% in Almeria
The Costa Del Sol Tourist Board Mate Predictions Of About 85% Occupancy In Malaga Over Easter
Read Article http://costadelsol.st/en/articles/tourism/tourist-board-predicts-hotel-occupancy-figures-hit-least-85-over-easter